Monday, April 13, 2009

I was never good at tag.

Alright, so i've been of the bloggin' "scene" for around two months so I thought, with the lack of job and excessive amounts of free time I would edit, sew, and post till I was caught up. Starting with the most recent and working back which leads to to this short, but put-off-for-a-week quiz that my friend breeze tagged me in.

I don't really have anyone specific to tag, so if you read my blog (may i say, thank you!) or by some fluk of chance happen to stubble upon it, you are now a tagg-ee. You should also comment please, so I can read your quiz! Ready GO!

p.s. I want to watch the new dragonball z movie, but the banner alone makes me feel like i will miss the time i waste. So if any of you have seen it, tell me what you think!

If I could transform one of my rooms I'd want the style above.
 +++*What is your current obsession? Making wedding dresses, and bread making.
+++*What do you see outside your window? A small playground with occasional visits from a school bus of drama. (more on that tomorrow)
+++*If you could have any super power what would it be? super speed (cause i'm always late) or super charm (so i could take pictures of people and they would be o-k with it)
+++*What is your favorite color? light, light sea-foam green, and grey.
+++*Who was the last person you hugged? my bunny?
+++*What is your hidden talent? uh, i probably can cook a better dinner than you think.
+++*What’s for dinner? mm, whatever's in the fridge, we suen's live off creative cooking.
+++*What was the last thing you bought? a 'work' shirt, and some cookies.
+++*What are you listening to right now? my parents bicker as they unload the dishwasher.
+++*What is your favourite weather? warm and breeze-filled. with beautiful dappled light.
+++*What’s on your beside table? books, sewing machine, computer, trash probably
+++*Say something to the person/s who tagged you. "So, sorry this is so late, but really, shouldn't you expect this by now?"
+++*If you could have a house totally paid for, fully furnished anywhere in the world, where would you want it to be? Oh, good god. A villa, either in Lyon or Stockholm.
+++*What is your favorite children's book? The Teacher From the Black Lagoon.
+++*(A) book(s) you're currently reading? Hi-Fashion Tailoring.
+*What would you like to have in your hands right now? A Leica.
+++*What is your favorite tea flavor? mmm. Earl Grey + cream & suga'
+++*What is your favorite article of clothing? My white yarn scarf, it makes me warm and happy. 
+++*What would you like to get rid of? the debris at the bottom layer of my room.
+++*If you could go anywhere in the world for the next hour, where would you go? Dubai.
+++*What did you want to become as a child? an interior designer 
+++*What posters/pictures do you have on your bedroom wall? posters weren't allowed ;(
+++*What is your plan for tomorrow? Apply for jobs, make a skirt, clean my room :/+++* Who is your least favorite celebrity? Anna Nicole smith.